** review for 2017/18 **
Upton Junior Football Club – Existing Player Registration & Subscription Fee Payment
Subscription Renewal for Existing Players
As you will now hopefully be aware, existing members have now got the option to register and pay online for the forthcoming season 2016/17.
Once you click the above link you will be given 5 options.
Under 6 players (reception and year one at September 2016) should select one of the U6 options. If the player has no siblings in the club please select the standard U6 membership. If the player has an older sibling that you have paid full price for, please select the sibling option which will give you the sibling discount.
Under 7 players upwards (Primary school year 2 upwards at September 2016) should select one of the standard membership options. Please select the siblings option to give you the siblings discount if you have paid full price for another sibling.
Once you have completed the online registration form, you will be taken to a payment screen where you will be given the option to pay by debit/credit card or paypal. There are no additional charges to you for any of these options.
If you have got any queries concerning the changes please contact Vanessa Warburton. {These e-mail addresses are being protected from spam-bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view them.}
Due to deadlines placed on us for league registration could we kindly ask that whichever registration process you choose, that it is completed by 26th June (presentation day). We will have a manned desk at presentation day available between 12:30 and 2:30 to either collect in any hard copy forms/money or complete the process online for those who haven’t managed to register before that point.
For existing members who still wish to register using hard copy forms please contact the relevant age group manager.
For new members please contact Secretary Upton JFC {These e-mail addresses are being protected from spam-bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view them.} for enquiries about places in the relevant age group.
Thanks for your continued support.