If you need help, contact any of the following:
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) – https://www.ceop.police.uk/ceop-report/
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/ or ring 0800 1111 NSPCC 24 hour helpline 0808 800 5000
Upton JFC Club Welfare Officers – welfareuptonjfc@gmail.com

The Club is delighted to welcome Ali Ireland to the role of Lead Club Welfare Officer; Ali will be the primary contact for all safeguarding and welfare issues. Ali will be supported by Fiona Jeffs and Laura Pudvine, we welcome them all to their roles within the club. Contact the Welfare Team on email at welfareuptonjfc@gmail.com.
At Upton JFC we want football to be an enjoyable, positive and safe experience for our players, coaches, parents and all involved with the club; the FA’s Respect Codes are central to our approach. The policies and procedures on this page, including our welfare and safeguarding policies, set out how we strive to achieve this as an FA Accredited club (previously Chartered Standard Community Club). We are always open to suggestions about how we can do things better.
We have continued to grow as a club. We have over 200 volunteers who commit their time to football with us, including Executive Committee members, Lead Coaches, Assistant Coaches and First Aiders. Without them we would not have a club. We welcome new volunteers, and if you are interested in supporting the club please get in touch with us.
Constitution & Club Policies
FA Concussion Guidelines https://www.englandfootball.com/concussion